Located halfway between the important Alberta urban centers of Edmonton and Calgary, Red Deer is a moderately sized city surrounded by wide fields accented with blonde bales of hay. Find expected amenities here and when accommodation gets tight in the bigger cities either end of this stretch of road, Red Deer often has room at the inn. But Red Deer has more to commend itself than lodging.
Fort Normandeau is a replica of the fort of the same name erected on the site in 1885, once frequented by traders. South of town is Stephansson House Historical Site, once the homestead of a poet who immigrated to Canada in the 19th-century. Enjoy a picnic and horseback ride on a sunny day at Heritage Ranch or do some bird-watching at Kerry Wood Nature Center.
For something a bit off the beaten path, head southeast to Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park. Find stunning views, and if you're lucky, some petrified bones ? Tyrannosaurus Rex fossils have been found here.
Red Deer is 91 miles north of Calgary and 93 miles south of Edmonton.